A Vivid Memory

Prompt: A Vivid Memory

prom pic

Have you ever just wanted to read a book? Sadly, I haven’t read a book in months and missed it so Tuesday, I went to the library and picked up “Their Eyes Were Watching God” by Zora Neale Hurston. Do you know it?

I know a lot of people probably read it when they were in middle school, but this is my first time reading it. There is this scene where the protagonist Janie is arguing with her husband Jody about dinner and after the argument, a picture of them fall off the wall. When I read this on
the train ride down to Philly, I could not believe what I was reading because a similar situation happened to me.

I think it happened my sophomore year. I literally just got back to Philly from school for summer break, I threw my stuff in my aunt’s enclosed porch and hurried to my sister’s baby shower. It was her first child so it was kind of a big deal and my family went all out. I was there hot, sweaty and looking a complete mess. I had crazy finals that year, had to pack up my boyfriend’s apartment and my dorm room. It was a lot going on. Needless to say, I was not in the mood to rush to unpack my stuff. But my aunt is a little neat freak so after the baby shower she wanted me to immediately put the stuff in the basement. Sorry guys, but I didn’t want to. I wasn’t trying to be disobedient, rude or disrespectful, but I really just wanted to sit down and really eat because I wasn’t able to do it at the baby shower. I told her I didn’t eat and would clean it when I had a proper meal and headed to my mom’s house.

Well, she called my brothers spazzing out on me and they were kind enough to take my stuff to the basement, but they were not happy about it.

All I know is my mom’s porch door swung open so fast and my brother Billy began yelling at me like he was crazy (yes, I said that). We never argue. He used to pick with me a lot when I was younger, but with age the arguments stopped. I was a good kid. Anyway, he started talking about how my aunt was mad at me and shouldn’t have to clean up my stuff. He called me spoiled among other similar names and I was firing right back.

He left upset slamming my mom’s porch door so hard it came of the hinges. I was fuuuuuuuuming! My other brother Vincent was trying to calm the situation (that’s what he does), but it wasn’t working. A couple minutes later, we heard something fall and guess what it was?

It was my senior prom picture. He was my date.

Isn’t that crazy?
