Know When to Ask for and Accept Help

There comes a time when everyone has to know when to ask for help. For some, it’s a simple task and almost a natural thing. But for people like me, you know the prideful ones, it takes a little more time and thought. I guess you could say we are a bit stubborn, too.

Yesterday, I realized it was about time to learn that very valuable lesson. You see, I have pretty much always done things for myself. Even as a child. I always had a small job whether it was walking a younger student to school when I was in elementary school. In middle and high school, I served as a babysitter for my younger cousins and all throughout college, I held down a work-study position. I prided myself on being able to do for myself especially as the baby of my household. But for the past couple of years, I haven’t been as independent as I would like.

In Monday’s post, I wrote about a financial situation, which I know is a lot. I have actually been debating whether I should take it down and I still haven’t made up my mind. All I know is it’s part of my journey.

Anyway, going along with that post, I decided to ask for help with this month’s bills. Now you know, it is not something that I wanted to do, but at least for this month, it was something I needed to do.

A similar lesson was evident in a writer’s lunch that I attended. It was my first time meeting with the group and it was so nice to meet so many writers who didn’t want anything other than support and to be able to support others. There were poets, non-fiction and fiction writers all ranging from their mid-twenties to at least 50 years of age. It was really something special.

As a writer, I learned that I should just write through writer’s block and worry about the organization later and lack of knowledge doesn’t discredit my experience.

I also learned that it is crucial to learn when to accept help. This lesson came out of a conversation that I had with one of the girls that does freelance work at the same company that I have been writing for. I told her that I finally started a blog and was looking for cool ways to enhance the experience and she immediately offered help and told me the process that she used when she started her blog. I was completely delighted that she was willing to help because this was our second conversation in person, but I know me. In my head, I knew that any other time, I wouldn’t have allowed her to help. But I want this time to be different. Wish me luck!

Please don’t tell me I am the only one with this problem. Do you know when to ask for and accept help?
