My 3 Worst Traits

Prompt: Your top 3 worst traits

Guys, you just don’t know how excited I am to write this post.

I have been waiting to write this post ever since I stumbled upon the Blog Everyday in May challenge. You would think that I would have written it before 10:30 p.m., but it is what it is.

Anyway, I know how therapeutic it can be to accept that you are not perfect. If you have ever met a recovering addict, they will tell you “the first step to recovery is to acknowledge you have a problem.” Well, I hope by admitting that I am not perfect and I have some really bad traits, that I can begin to fix them. That works, right? I hope.

1. I hold grudges. I am one of those people that if you do something to me, I want to get you back worse. I feel the need to give everyone a taste of their own medicine. It’s horrible and I know it, but I am working on it. I realize that holding on to grudges seeps into everything you do and say and it has held me back from having meaningful relationships.

2. I don’t speak my mind enough. I hate this about myself and my friends don’t like it either. I always bite my tongue mainly because I am timid and typically scared how others would perceive my statements. Because of this, I avoid confrontations at all cost. I usually just cut people off instead of working through the issue, but I am working on it.

3. I am selfish. I think about myself way tooo much. Again, I am working on it.

Whew! That was NOT as easy as I thought it would be, but sometimes the hardest thing in your life are the most rewarding.

What are some of the traits that you are working on?
