A Christmas Party

I completely forgot to take a picture of the table of food. This will have to do.

Last week, the corporate office sent flyers to all the stores in our district about a Holiday Christmas Party. It was on Tuesday and Wednesday from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. Yup, in the morning.

I don’t know about you guys, but I have never heard of a morning Christmas party. Aside from that, who wants to enjoy “music and dancing” that early in the morning. So, my department decided to have our own little party on Tuesday.

It started from one of my coworkers saying that she wanted to try some of vegetarian dishes and everyone just pitched in. I brought my vegetable lasagna (I hope to post the recipe soon). Other dishes included homemade Russian tea cookies, two types of Quinoa, spinach dip, an awesome Korean celery and seafood salad that I hope to make myself one day.

Everything was so delicious.

For me, it wasn’t just the food that made the event good. It was the company. Though I am not longer the newest girl in our department, it was nice to really feel included, which is what everyone hopes to be when they start a new position. I remember when I started, I found it hard to participate in the conversation because everyone else had worked with each other for so long. I didn’t know anything about them and they didn’t know anything about me. Whenever they would include me in the conversation, I would have to stop what I was saying to assist a patron. By the time I returned, they had already moved onto a new subject. It hasn’t been like that lately.

The conversation wasn’t generic. I no longer feel like I have to say everything in one breath just to give my opinion. It’s really nice. I feel like I have definitely found what I was looking for in a position: a team atmosphere.

I am starting to feel more apart of the family that they have made and I love it.
