An Open Love Letter

Hey guys, thanks for coming back to see the other prompt that piqued my interest. Today’s prompt: Write a public love letter to someone in your life. (It doesn’t necessarily need to be romantic.)

My love,

It isn’t every day that I proclaim my love for you in an open love letter for the world to see. We’re not that type of couple and most of the time, we try to downplay our significance to each other in front of people. That’s something we do, but we both know the truth. And in case there is ever any question on how I feel, I am dangerously in love with you.

Every day that I wake up beside you, I am blessed to know you and be loved by you. Your very presence warms my soul and I am grateful to be able to call you mine. I can’t explain the ways that you have changed my heart and my mind, but I just want to say thank you.

Thank you for always being there for me. For loving and showing me love in all the ways that you do. For helping me through my many cry-baby moments even in the wee hours of the morning when you have to work and all you want to do is be there and hold my hand. Thank you. That really means the world to me.

Thank for all the support that you have given me over the past couple of years as I have tried to pursue a job in my field. It has not been easy, but you kept the faith for both of us. And when I told you that I was thinking about moving to New York, you simply said “well, I guess I will be up there more often,” without any hesitation. And it made me tear up because I didn’t know what I did to deserve such a beautiful and selfless man that would be already brainstorming on different accounts he could move to in order to make my dream a reality. Thank you so much.

Recently, I asked you what you saw when you looked at me, but I never told you what I saw. So, in this open love letter, I want you to know that I see a man of strength, courage, ambition and reason. I see someone who has the most beautiful heart in the world. It’s filled with love and compassion and you give it to all who are lucky enough to know you.

I see my future husband, father of our kid (yes, just one for now) and porch mate when we retire. I see the embodiment of the word love and I thank you for introducing it to me.

Love Always,
