Berry Good Chia Pudding

DSCN1164I am a breakfast person.

Not because it’s the most important meal of the day. It’s just my preference.

Even when I wake up past noon after a night in New York City, I still want breakfast.

For the past two weeks, my breakfast of choice has been either oatmeal with nuts or eggs with a couple of slices of avocado. And while it’s delicious (and good for me), it’s getting old.

So I decided to try something new: Chia Pudding.

It’s made with chia seeds, which are unprocessed whole grains that contain healthy omega-3 fatty acids, protein, fiber and other vitamins and minerals. When combined with milk, the seeds expand making it a nutritious pudding.

To be honest, this is my second time making it. The first time, I couldn’t get past the consistency enough to eat it in a bowl so I blended it up in one of my smoothies.

I have to get used to it’s softness because I like my food with a little more chew, but adding the nuts and granola really helped balance out the texture.

It goes down very smooth and is very light on my stomach, which I like. Ever since I became a pescatarian, my stomach is a lot more sensitive. It’s annoying, but it’s good reinforcement when I know I shouldn’t be eating something.

I love that the possibilities are endless with chia pudding. As I write this, I am eating it with some dried oatmeal, coconut flakes, almonds, granola and blueberries.


-1/4 cup of chia seeds

– 1/4 cup of coconut milk

– 1/2 cup of almond milk

– 1 teaspoon of honey

– 1 cup of fresh blueberries and blackberries

– 1 teaspoon of sliced almonds

– a handful of crumbled granola


1. Combine the honey with the coconut and almond milk.

2. Add chia seeds to the liquid and store in a sealed container overnight.

3. The next morning top with fruit, almonds and granola.

