Four Tips I’ve Learned from Seven Years of Blogging

On April 17, 2013, a little over seven years ago, I created She’s Facing Freedom.

At the time, I didn’t know much about blogging or what I was going to write about and it showed. If you go back far enough, you’ll see blog posts about high school and messages in cartoons (yes, cartoons).

All I knew is that I needed a change and it had to give me a sense of independence. It just had to because though I was working, I was dependent on my love for everything. L i t e r a l l y everything. That’s why I named my blog She’s Facing Freedom. She is me.

A lot has changed since 2013, but my desire for independence hasn’t wavered. I still yearn for emotional, mental and most of all, financial independence. And because I know I’m not the only woman who’s felt stuck, uncertain and dependent on someone else, I want the same for you.

Through blogging, I want to create a community so that you feel empowered to start over. I want you to find the courage to say yes to your dreams in uncertain times. More importantly, I want you to have the confidence to rewrite your story even when you can’t find the words. Or feel you don’t have the tools to do so.

I want all those things for you because that’s what blogging has given me. Not to mention, a place to document it all.

After seven years of owning She’s Facing Freedom, I’m still learning about blogging. And if I’m being honest, I haven’t seen the growth in which I aspire for this blog mainly because I wasn’t ready. What I have seen is an ever-evolving industry that continues to challenge me.

Blogging makes me look in the mirror and find lessons in life even when it’s painful. It encourages me to be better not only for who I am today, but for the woman I was yesterday and women who can relate to her.

If that’s you, I see you. Trust me, you are not your current situation. Regardless of how many times the world knocked you down, you do have the strength to get back up. What’s more, you have what it takes to change your life.

I know because I am living proof.

So, if there’s anything I’ve learned from seven years of blogging, it is these tips below:

When You Don’t Have Anything Else, You’ll Always Have Your Story 

Sis, your story is your currency. Don’t be afraid to cash it in. What do you have to lose?

By walking in my truth, I am more motivated than ever to tell my story AND to accept me for who I am. So, forget whether that word accepts me, I accept me.

A Decision Doesn’t Mean Anything Without Action

If you’re anything like me, you’ve made statements like “I realized…” or “I’ve decided…” and did nothing. Except, of course, make excuses like “I need to do more research.” No shade because not long ago, that was the story of my life.


It’s much more fulfilling to create something that’s imperfect than waiting on perfection. Even if it’s just a picnic in your living room. I mean, when I look at some of my old posts (eek!) and look at the most recent posts, I see progress. And I don’t know about you, but I spent years praying for a pinch of progress.

Fear Can’t Hold You Hostage Without Your Permission

Creating is difficult. Some projects will come easy to you. And some projects will make you question everything including your talent.

When that happens, I urge you to question what’s happening inside of you. What are you feeling? Nine times out of ten, you’re scared of something like what people will say and think. That’s normal.

Instead of avoiding fear, acknowledge it. Take a minute to figure out what’s giving you pause so that you can move forward. So that you can write that blog post, shoot for that vlog or take those pictures. Believe me, you’ll feel much better when you do.

Nothing Kills Time More Than Comparisons

Everyone is a brand these days, which makes it super easy to get swept up in the comparison game.

Here’s the thing:

There is always going to be someone who does something better than you. You can hate on that person and save your likes for cat videos or you can learn from them. Remember, the most successful brands learn from the competition and adapt.

Why should you be any different?

Whether you’re a blogger or have another hobby, what tips would you add to this list?
