Dream Bigger

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Guys, let me tell you, I am the biggest scaredy cat you will ever meet. But this year, I really want to live intentionally and do things that scare me and allow myself to …well… live. It sounds strange, but I believe that it is a choice.

I realize that I have allowed my fears to take over every aspect in my life. And I know I am not the only one, right? Just thinking about my career alone, I see how silly it is to not want to take a risk to move on even though my current situation is no longer beneficial financially.

I can be a bit insecure about my abilities to perform the tasks for jobs in my field. I think that I am an okay writer, but I definitely think there is room for improvement. Whenever I see job postings, I am always so critical of myself and second guess whether I can make the cut.

But this weekend, I was reminded that you should always dream your biggest dream and believe with your whole heart that you can do anything you put your mind to.

A speaker conveyed this Saturday when I went to a luncheon with my aunt, uncle and little cousins. I can’t remember exactly what his entire speech was about, but I was able to jot down some quotes. He said “break the bonds of convention and dare to be greater than you dream.” Isn’t that powerful?

He also said “remember, amateurs built the arc, professionals built the Titanic.” How about that?

Self-doubt was also a concept that my pastor touched on Sunday stating “when you disqualify yourself, accept His qualifications.”

Are you dreaming your biggest dream? And if so, what is it?
