Happy (Belated) Easter


I am not really sure if that is a thing, but I wanted to take the time to wish you and your family a very Happy Easter!

I was lucky enough to be able to switch my schedule around so that I could attend church before going to work rather than not being able to go at all, which I was very grateful for.

Sticking with the Resurrection theme, my pastor said something interesting that really struck me. The sermon was on leadership and the necessity to let some things go in order to be a better version of yourself. He literally said you have to let some parts about you die in order to grow and I couldn’t stop thinking about that.

What about me needs to die this year? What characteristics are holding me back?

I will admit, they are both dramatic questions, but if I had to choose anything, I would kill my stubbornness and my pride. I would say my inability to ask for help, which probably directly ties in with my pride and stubbornness is definitely holding me back.

But above all, I would say allowing my fears to make my decisions. That has been a constant theme in my life and this year, I’d like to almost redefine what it means to fear something. It doesn’t necessarily mean that things are dangerous or are going to go bad, it just means that it’s different and I don’t know how to respond to it. It’s taking me out of my comfort zone so at the very least, I should see what all the hoopla is about, right?

That’s probably better in theory, but we will see how it goes.

What about you? What are some things about you that needs to let go in order to grow?
