New Year’s Resolutions and Accountability Partners


Happy New Years!!!! I hope everyone brought in the New Years with people who make you happy, feel loved, and challenges you.

Me, I brought the New Year in at my brother’s new house (woot woot!) playing a very competitive and heated game of Taboo with my siblings, their spouses and my eight-yea-old niece.

I don’t know about you, but I am sooooo ready for the New Year. Maybe it’s because I am older, but I appreciate the possibility of new beginnings rather than just a time to celebrate. So, I wanted to start this year by really thinking about goals I wanted to tackle. If 2013 has taught me anything is that there is power in goal planning. Without even noticing, I was able to accomplish more than half of my goals for this year in ways I never thought I would. For instance, one of my goals was to eat more vegetables in fruits. I had no idea that those food selections would become the staples of my diet because I would stop eating meat. Isn’t that crazy?!

Though I was more successful than I ever thought I would be, I wanted to really challenge myself this year so I asked a friend to be my accountability partner. It’s a system that I have known about for a while, but basically she is going to keep me on track with my goals and I am going to help her tackle her goals. We emailed each other our list of goals this year and here are some that I sent to her:

– Commit to working out at least twice a week

– Train for the Shape Diva Dash

– Try out a new natural hair style once a month

– Invest in savings tool like CD or Money Market account in order to see a high return on money

– Actively look for other sources of income like freelance opportunities

– Actively seek out networking opportunities to meet new people and get out of your comfort zone

– Read at least one book a month with varying topics and themes including personal development books

– Commit to writing blog posts Monday-Friday

– Amp up social media presence by using it at least twice a week

– Apply to a NYC Job every two weeks

What are your goals for 2014? Have you asked a friend or family member to be your accountability partner?
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