How to Start When You Don’t Know Where to Start

Scared of Starting Over? Read This Definition of the Word StartPin this image on Pinterest
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, I would rather start and fail than fail to start. Period.

If you read my birthday post, you know that my love and I packed up our fourth-floor walk-up and drove to Texas. It happened so quick, I’m not sure either of us had time to process it.


I can’t lie, leading up to the move, I started wondering what this would mean for me. Honestly, I was itching for a change. Like many of you, I had been working from home since March, but I wasn’t sure if I was ready to start over. The very thought of moving in less than two months made me feel anxious and overwhelmed. There was so much to do and so little time. To manage my emotions (and stress), I started running.

Every morning, I would make my way to the pond at my local park. It became my safe haven. I loved the sun-bathing turtles, bobbing ducks and even fishermen pulling out trout. During my daily two-mile runs, I questioned everything:

What does this move mean for me?

What do I want to achieve in Texas?

Am I ready to start over again?

Does this move even qualify as starting over given this time around, I have a job?

Or is it something completely different like starting from experience? 

Whew chile.

Then, one day, the question changed. Instead of the anxiety-riddled questions above, I asked myself what does it mean to start?

Believe it or not, that made all the difference. It even made the mental and physical process of packing much easier. So, in case you’re wondering, my definition of start is:

SStep out of your own way and turn your words into actions
TTake control of your life and know that you have the tools to do whatever your heart desires
AAdapt to the growing changes that are required when you step up
RRecharge your creative and emotional energy to achieve your goals
TTransform your idea about what is possible through your transformation. And transform the ideas of others about what is possible for their lives by the way you live, love and dream. 

How would you define start for yourself?
