Jamaica, the possible


Up until I was about 9-years-old, there was a Jamaican flag plastered to our dining room wall. It belonged to my aunt’s boyfriend at the time who helped raise us.

Though I was young, I remember feeling like it was such a distant land and that I would never be able to go there. As I ate dinner, I’d stare at it and imagine how the country looked and for some reason, I always pictured there would be goats everywhere. That might be because we ate a lot of curry goat, but I think it also had something to do with movies that depicted various islands such at “Weekend at Bernies.”

That, it was I thought about as we headed to the Grand Palladium Resort and Spa last Tuesday.

As I looked out of the taxi window, I couldn’t help but notice the colorful houses that painted the landscape. I watched the horses, cows and goats graze at nearby farms. I could visibly see the perspiration bead the street vendors heads who weaved in and out of lanes selling snacks, fruit and drinks to those coming from the airport.

At the time, our taxi driver was giving us a mini tour on the surrounding area and I felt extremely appreciative of all that I have. I was grateful to be able to travel outside the country. To be able to vacation in the country that I never thought I would be able to see as a child. Two times. And knowing that this time around, I would be there with my siblings, aunt and mom made it even more special.
