Happy Birthday, Mommy

My siblings, mom (in cream), aunt and me

My siblings, mom (in cream), aunt and me

Today is my mommy’s birthday and I couldn’t think of a better time to tell her all of the things I don’t say to her everyday.

For starters, thank you so much for letting me be me. For not listening to the naysayers and giving me a fighting chance. I will always be forever grateful for that.

I know sometimes you struggle with the fact that you didn’t raise us. Don’t. I believe that it takes a special person to love someone enough to know that maybe, they would be better off in someone else’s care. Because you loved us that much, we had a really really good childhood. And I know I can speak on behalf of my siblings when I say we are truly grateful for that tremendous sacrifice.

The way our relationship has blossomed has been amazing and it means the world to me. I always appreciated you going above and beyond just to spend time with me. It didn’t matter what it was, you were there. Most of the times, it was something as small as me needing to buy more undergarments before I went back to college. You eagerly came along as I took far too long looking for the right panty and bra sets. Thank you.

I have always admired your honesty to tell me when I was right and when I was wrong. For not being afraid to speak to me as a young woman rather than just your daughter. I can’t thank you enough for that.

If there is one thing that I know that characterizes the James’ besides the fact that we have huge calf muscles, it’s that we surpass expectations against all odds. That’s what we’ve always done and I believe that the struggle you are having right now is no different. I believe in you and know that you will once again be victorious.

I love you so much and hope this day is as special as you are.

With all my love,

