Pushin’ it in 2018

Hey, you.

Long time no speak, right? I know, I know. Things have been…interesting over here. But, I didn’t want January to end without writing about my goals for this year.

Truth is, I’ve been searching for an answer, scratch that, for permission. I wish I could tell you it was only from outside sources, but it wasn’t. Not entirely, anyway. I suppose, I’ve been trying to find the words to paint a prettier picture. As if the picture needs to be pretty in the first place. That’s part of the problem, but no more. I’m ready to reshape the idea the idea of I am and who I want to become. On my terms, of course.

That’s why I chose “push” as my word this year. That means pushing myself to the limits when it comes to my writing. It means pushing past the whispers of doubts and insecurities. Pushing past that lump in my chest when a story seems too real to share. Also, it means that when I receive a push whether that be in my personal or professional life, that I take it. That’s what brought me to Purpose PushHer 2018.

Y’all, my relationships with women have been all out of whack. That’s a story for a different day, but when I tell you I needed to witness all of that melanin magic happening in that room, it’s no joke. Sometimes the hardest part of most situations is getting into the room and I love that Sadé brought the room to us. I’m talking financial literacy, branding, social media, and content creation. The whole kit and caboodle with information for days.

I don’t know what this year is going to hold for me, but I’m claiming that 2018 is my year. I feel so strongly that building this blog into what I know it can become is going to be what helps me get to the next step. I know that there are stories that I’ve been holding on for too long that can help someone. And if it also helps me face my freedom (read: fear), I won’t be mad at it.

I hope you’ll push it with me in 2018.

Do you have a word (or resolution) this year? What inspired you to choose it?

Photos: Edward Gebel
