Setting the Vision

The personal side

The personal side

A little while back probably at the end of last year, I was feeling very unsure of myself. I felt like I didn’t know who I was, didn’t know what I wanted out of life and my career and just needed some clarification.

I remember telling that to my blogger boo via email and her saying that she wished we lived close because she would come to my house with magazines so we could make a vision board. It was the first time I had ever heard of it so I was apprehensive, but I knew I needed to do something. I grabbed multiple magazines from my aunt’s house and got to work clipping images and words that spoke to me.

While I was flipping through the glossy pages, I thought long and hard about who I wanted to be and what I wanted my career to look like. But most importantly, I thought about who I already was as a person, which was the hardest part because in order to make changes in your life, you have to have a clear idea of what you wanted to change.

I realized that I wanted to live a healthier life, I wanted to be a better friend and I wanted to live intentionally. I wanted to stop making excuses why I didn’t do one thing or another and step out of comfort zone in my personal and professional life.

The professional side

The professional side

On the board, I covered one side of the board with personal goals pasting phrases like “Be bold, go for the glitz, discover strong, healthy and fall in love. On the other side, I focused on my professional goals pasting phrases like “Seize every opportunity” and “great stories aren’t just told they’re experienced.”

It was extremely therapeutic for me and every day, I look at it as a reminder of the things I want out of life.

This weekend, I am heading to New York to work on another vision board with that same blogger boo and can not wait. In addition to thinking more about my life, I really want to think about what I want for this blog. I have already thought of some changes I’d like to make and hoping to get more insight from other bloggers. Wish me luck?

Do you need some direction for your life? Find it by making a vision board. You can learn how here. Good luck!
