Why I Want To Move To New York City

DSCN2987I have only been to New York City a handful of times.

Seven times to be exact.

I went twice with a girlfriend from high school, twice for a magazine I used to write for, once for the fiancé’s family reunion and twice to see a good friend of mine including this past weekend.

I don’t have any photos or experiences near any of the New York landmarks, yet. I haven’t even seen much of the city during those times, but that doesn’t seem to matter much.

Every time I go, I feel more inspired and motivated to move to that great city especially when I have experiences like I’ve had the past two times I went.

This past weekend, we celebrated my good friend’s birthday Parisenne-style. As I sat on the floor around the coffee table adorned with the essentials for a vision-board party, I couldn’t help but notice the way everyone interacted. I was quiet as I normally am in group settings, but it’s only because I am observing my surroundings.

I felt the genuine love they shared for one another and the laughter was just the icing on the cake. I witnessed what it means to truly understand another person. I saw the way they encouraged each other to live out their dreams or to simply try something new and I thought it was amazing. And beautiful.

Sunday night, after waking up from my much needed nap because we had gotten home that morning and I had to work, I watched “Friends with Benefits” starring Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis. Kunis’ character is a head hunter determined to get Timberlake’s character to move to New York and sign on as the new Art Director for GQ magazine. Instead of selling him on the job, she informed him she would sell him on New York. That meant experiences he could have such as participating in a random flash mob.

I, too, am sold on those potential experiences.

I am sold on the ability to finally live out my dream and become more self-sufficient.

But, I am also sold on the company that I will be keeping. The women that I hope to share those experiences with. The ones that though I don’t know all of them that well, have welcomed me into their circle with open arms. I hope that doesn’t make me sound like a creeper, but I believe in surrounding yourself with like-minded people.

Edmund Lee wrote “Surround yourself with the dreamers and the doers, the believers and the thinkers, but most of all, surround yourself with those who see greatness within you even when you don’t see it yourself.”

I see that in the women I was with this past weekend.
