I Dream of New York

Ever since I set my sights on The Empire State, I think about it so much, I even dream about it. I envision the most random scenarios in my head that would never happen in a million years.

Remember when I went to my first baseball game? The boyfriend got the tickets for free and we had two extra tickets that his brother and girlfriend were supposed to use. They flaked, which I kind of knew would happen, but that is neither here nor there.

Anyway, in this crazy little head of mine, I imagine that we run into a couple that don’t have tickets so we give them the extra ones. Why not spread the love, they were free anyway? In this little fantasy, I learn that the girlfriend is in the magazine industry…wait for it…. in New York and her publication needs an Editorial Assistant!

That didn’t happen, but I can dream right?

That’s not just it.

Lately, I have been dreaming about the hustle and bustle of finally getting there and having to figure out the important stuff like where to live. I am sure that has a lot to do with the fact that a lot of the jobs that I have found in New York are for only six months. I don’t know where I would stay, but I will worry about that when I get the call.

I think about working there. Partying there. And best of all, I think about exploring and discovering there. I imagine what it’s going to be like to make new relationships and build on the ones I already have. I think about the experiences I will have from work. And I can literally see myself trying to plan the most perfect weekends for when the boyfriend comes to visit. I am really getting excited writing this right now.

Now I know it’s not going to be all sunshine and rainbows. I know it’s going to be a lot of hard work because it will hopefully be my first full-time job and I will be away from my family, but I am so ready for all that New York has to offer me.

I know you must think I am crazy, but a friend told me that she had similar fantasies before moving to New York. She said it makes you more open to every experience because you are waiting for it. She also said it makes the fantasy more real. I agree.

What do you dream about?
