Summer Blues

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I don’t know about you guys, but I am suffering with a bad case of the Summer blues. It happens every year and it makes me wish I was more diligent with my workout routine and that I was overall more confident in my skin. .

This week I am in Atlantic City, New Jersey for a mini vacay and Monday was the first time I went to the beach. I forgot my beach bag so I loaded one of my purses with a beach towel, two books, sunnies, lip gloss and some other essentials like money, ID and room key. I was ready. Or so I thought.

Even though I am not really a water-person, I brought a couple of bikinis just to look the part. I also grabbed a couple of old, eh who I am I kidding, small dresses to put on top of them as cover-ups and made the trek to the beach. All was good.

It was so beautiful out. I could small the salt in the air from the beach. The sea gulls were making those annoying bird noises and I could hear the waves rolling as I got closer. I settled in with one of my books and was truly enjoying myself until it got hot. Like unbearably hot. So much so that the water became a lot more tempting, but I didn’t move.

I was frozen to my chair. You see, this is the first time I have been in a bikini since I gained a little weight and I was afraid to show people my body. Sure I could sit in a beach chair without my cover-up, but to move around without it was intimidating. I knew that is why I didn’t move so I began to give myself a mini pep talk as I looked around at everyone who was just doing them.

“Girl, get over yourself,” I thought.

I didn’t. I still grabbed my dress and walked to the edge water and let it hit my feet. It was freezing, but I edged myself deeper into the water letting it rise up my legs. That is until I saw a panty-shield and a crushed beer bottle floating in the water. I immediately turned back around and sat back in my beach chair and enjoyed the sounds of the beach.

How do you get over your Summer Blues?
