I Made My Mom Try Something New. This is What Happened.

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A couple of weeks ago, my mom came to visit me.

The thought of it still has me beaming.

Here’s the thing.

My mom is not the adventurous type. Sound familiar?

We both know it’s a problem.

She tells me “you can’t let fear control your life.” And I say the same can be said to her.

So, when she agreed to spend a day with me in New York City, I knew I had to plan something that would help her see the beauty and excitement of the city while she tries something new.

I am definitely my mother’s daughter, which was more evident during this visit than ever before, but I am fearless when it comes to trying ethnic food. I think it’s such a unique way to learn about a culture so that’s where our journey began.

We had lunch at a Thai restaurant called Spice that was recommended to us. I was told they had good calamari and she’s never tried it before. She’s also never eaten Thai food so that was an extra bonus.

She was so cute.

So cute.

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As she sipped on her lady of pink pearls drink, you know those bubble drinks, and crunching on the spicy calamari, she’d kind of stop and giggle at the thought that she could be eating anything.

I wouldn’t tell her what she was eating until we could see the bottom of the bowl. I figured at that point, if she kept eating it, it was her choice. She did.

Insert happy dance.

In addition to trying something new I wanted to show her some tourist attractions. I figured she was like me in that she knew them by name, but had never been.

We stopped at the Rockefeller Center, the New York Public Library, saw a light show outside of Saks Fifth and saw the Empire State Building and the Chrysler Building in the distance.

We also stopped by Bryant Park where I was hoping to teach her how to ice skate. I knew that was something she would have never done in Philly, but it turns out not in New York City either.

In her defense, we were both freezing by the time we got there so she promised to do it with me next time she visits me, which happens to be tomorrow. I am excited to see how this goes. Wish me luck!

When was the last time you tried something new?
